LINGO: Sunroof vs. Moonroof
I really didn't know the difference between a sunroof and a moonroof - I only worked it out yesterday. So I thought I'd share it with you. I had always imagined that a sunroof and a moonroof were exactly the same thing, but now know the rather significant difference. LINGO: Sunroof vs. Moonroof
A sunroof is essentially a large glass panel in the roof of a car, which is almost always heavily tinted (so all the UV rays don't come into the car and sizzle the top of your head). The idea is that you can see through the glass and up to the wonders of blue skies. Sometimes however, it is simply too hot or too sunny for that kind of thing, so you can usually cover the sunroof from the inside with a retractable sheet of plastic or fabric which shields you from the light. Alternatively, if you're diggin' the sunshine, you can (usually electrically) make the sunroof glass slide up over the top of your roof, and let the golden rays of sun in. Hence, this is why it is called a "sunroof."
A moonroof is very similar, except for one important missing feature. With a moonroof, you can't allow the glass panel to slide away and let the sunshine in - it's a fixed panel. I suppose that's why it's called a "moonroof" - you can't let the golden rays of moonshine in, no matter how hard you try.
All this is illustrated with this picture below. On the left of the picture is a sunroof for the front passengers - it's letting the sun in. You can also see a plastic grab handle in the middle of the roof which allows you to cover over the glass (you might need to click the picture so you can see it in a larger format). To the right of the picture is a moonroof for the rear passengers, which has all the features of the sunroof, without the ability to let the sun completely "in", if you know what I mean.Another cool feature you might hear of is a "panoramic sunroof". I've included this picture of one in a Citroen C4. The thing that makes it "panoramic" is that unlike the sunroof and moonroof in the previous picture, a panoramic sunroof spans the entire roof length of the car. It's like one giant sunroof. Except for the fact that it really should be called a panoramic moonroof, because it's one huge big fixed glass panel, and cannot allow sunlight properly "in" - unhindered by tinted glass.
Okay, there really isn't a huge difference between these things, but if you're going to splash out such a huge amount of money on a sunroof/moonroof (usually about $2000), I think you might want to make sure it has all the features you want.
March 21, 2009 at 12:15 PM
I always assumed that moonroof was just some really bad joke from Third Rock from The Sun.
March 22, 2009 at 12:12 AM
nice; now i know the difference. i always thought it was a marketing gimmick.
October 27, 2009 at 4:39 PM
Since this is one of the top hits on Google for sunroof vs moonroof and doesn't yet have the prevailing definition:
Sunroofs are historically made of metal.
Moonroofs are historically made of glass.
Either one can open or not, depending on how fancy your car is.
I say historically because no one can agree, and so the distinction has blurred/been erased.
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