WTF?! #10: Fiat 500 Barbie?
WTF moments are happening all the time. As long as there are people with either wacky or stupid thoughts in their heads, things like this continue to happen. It's no secret that I really love the new Fiat 500. But suddenly, Fiat have done something that may make me rethink that opinion.
Meet the Fiat 500 "Barbie" Concept. Yes, I said Barbie. To celebrate the doll's 50th birthday, Fiat have shown off a pink version of their fashionable new 500, and have now presented it to Barbie herself (an actor I presume). More actors were involved in the presentation, it seems, because Barbie hopped in the 500, and got Ken to drive it through Milan on the way to her extravagant 50th birthday party, where Barbie will walk the lavish pink carpet as 99 red balloons are released into the sky. It sounds like lunacy, but it happened. On Monday, in fact (9th of March).
So what makes this car a Barbie car, apart from the fact that it's pink? Did you have to ask? Okay, I'll admit, I wanted to know, too. The Fiat 500 Barbie features a pink interior, to match the paintwork, but that's not all...
"...there are mats enhanced with natural silk yarn and sleek viscose, not to mention lip glosses in brilliant colours stored in the glove compartment, plus a LED-decked vanity mirror to ensure perfect application."
That's from the press release, by the way. But again, that's not all. If you look closely, there are crystals everywhere - right through the interior (air vents, steering wheel, "500" logo, just to name a few), on the hubcaps, the outer window mouldings, the antenna (...!), and to top it all off, there are pink crystals on the door pillar that take the shape of a doll's silhouette. When the Fiat 500 Barbie is garaged, it has a neat sixties 500 slip cover, that turns the new 500 into the old one with the aid of only a sheet of plastic. But that's pink too, obviously.
Whatever Fiat and Mattel could have done to make you shudder, they did. They've got a lot to answer for.

WTF?! #10: Fiat 500 Barbie?
March 12, 2009 at 5:35 PM
Barbie is fifty years old? She's ancient. She must have like arthritis and grey hair.
March 12, 2009 at 9:16 PM
NOOOOOOO..........why ruin such a cool car like this? the only cool car that's pink is the FAB-1 from Thunderbirds. Other pinked out cars that are WTF worthy are: Paris Hilton's all pink Bentley, the pink Nissan Micra, and the other Barbie present; the Pink Beetle.
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