WTF?! #8: The BamGoo That Looks Like a Poo
The last couple of WTF?! articles have been about stuff that really has been, well... kinda cool. Now it's no more Mr. Nice Guy. It's time to bring you more of the wierdest cars in the universe. And they don't come wierder than this. Quite a lot of electric powered concept cars are poor excuses for a car. But this concept, from the greatest minds of Kyoto university, no less, takes the cake. Because this electric car, which weighs only 60 kilograms and has a grand total of one seat, is made from panda food. I'm not joking. WTF?! #8: The BamGoo That Looks Like a PooThe BamGoo, as it's unfortunately called, is made almost entirely from bamboo, and would make a perfect culinary snack for a hungry panda. The significance of it is that bamboo is one of the fastest growing materials on earth, making it, uh... thoroughly renewable. Forget the crash test safety, the fact is looks like a tumbleweed, and the car's odd tendency to blow over in a mild wind - this thing can go a total of 50 kilometres on one charge!!! That's incredible... NOT.
Even the woman in the picture below looks pretty embarassed. And so she should be - this is probably the dumbest and most impractical green car that's been created for quite a while, which is saying quite a lot. I've said it looks like poo, I've said it looks like a tumbleweed, but I've finally realised what it really looks like - this is a peanut on wheels.
February 11, 2009 at 10:53 PM
what are those vent thingys in the c pillar doing? doesn't the car get enough ventilation to begin with, or are the pictures showing the "GTi" model
February 12, 2009 at 5:49 PM
I wonder how much it cost to peice together this wierd vehicle. I don't think I'd ever been able to concieve such a ridiculous idea.
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